April 23 – May 6: Cathy Spooner & Janet McDonagh
Cathy Spooner:is particularly drawn to experimental painting of natural forms such as rock formations, wood, sea and riverscapes. More recently she’s been exploring these elements using a microscope producing interesting and unique effects. Cathy has taken part in a varied range of classes and events in and around London, including open studios, group exhibitions and undertaking private commissions.
Janet McDonagh: is a qualified embroiderer and textile artist, more recently exploring what can be produced with a paintbrush instead of a needle! She is inspired by human form, flora and architecture, immersing herself in many art classes and workshops and undertaking portrait commission

March 27 – April 21 Andrew Crummy
An exhibition by Andrew Crummy who designed the Mount Felix Tapestry. The exhibition features a wide range of his paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints. It includes some of his original sketches for the Tapestry. as well as some of his sunset paintings.
During the exhibition Andrew launched part of his new Cancer tapestry project.

February 27 – March 24: Marc Chagall Goldmark Gallery selling exhibition
An exhibition featuring a wide range of Chagall’s work ranging from biblical themes to poster designs.

January 29 – February 24: Jenny Tuffs – North by South West – Paintings from Scotland and California
Jennie Tuffs is a Londoner, now working near Edinburgh. She pioneered the fine-art use of her medium – unforgiving liquid acrylics – for her portraits of flowers. These are recognised – not least by botanists – for revealing the essence of the flower. in her recent work the focus has shifted to an emphasis on location and sense of space.

January 3 – 27: Goldmark 20th Century Posters
Many of the leading 20th century artists enjoyed designing their own exhibition posters, often as lithographs printed by some of the great Parisian printers such as Mourlot Frères. While mint copies postersare rare, they remain a relatively inexpensive way to buy original prints by artists like Picasso and Matisse.

November 30 – December 23: The Jolly Christmas Postman Christmas Community Exhibition
Based on the children’s story of the same name, this exhibition featured a giant pop up book created by Ed Butcher and Merrian Holland, based the front cover, which you can open at the touch of a button complete with self lighting christmas tree! Other artwork is by riverhouse artists and students, Klara Smith, our talented volunteers and members of the community.

November 21 – November 25: Walton Art Club Winter Exhibition
This was be the club’s fourth winter exhibition in the Robert Phillips Gallery. It started as an experiment, but has proved to be as, if not more, successful than the well established spring exhibition in its 58th year!

November 7 – November 19 – Dana Bley: The Colour and the Vibrancy
Multi-award winning Slovak Artist, Dana Bley is different from most photographers working with digital technology. Her signature is clearly distinguished from the mass of photographs that pepper our world. The themes of her works can be placed into four basic categories: landscape, portrait, animals and objects.

October 24 – November 4 – From Rosebriars to the Rowing Eight: Celebrating 25 Years of the RC Sherriff Trust

October 3 – October 21 – Phoenix Contemporary Textiles Group: Collections – Why Things Matter
This enthusiastic and multi-talented group returned to the gallery with an exhibition offering visitors an immersive experience of the world of collecting and collections. Working collaboratively resulted in a wide range of exhibits in mixed media techniques, displayed as individual installations created by each artist.

September 26 – September 30 – Celebrating the Arts in Elmbridge
This exhibition of paintings, sculpture, jewellery, ceramics, glass and textiles was on the theme of Celebration. It consisted of work by amateur artists and craftsmen living in Elmbridge or who are members of The Arts Society Walton (TASW). In 2018 TASW, along with other Arts Societies across Britain, is celebrating 50 years of support for the arts by both NADFAS and The Arts Society.

September 20 – September 23 – Celebrating Spoff
This exhibition marked the 10th anniversary of the death of Pamela Spofforth MBE. “Spoff” was a violinist who, 49 years ago, together with her colleague, the cellist Betty Hewlins, founded Pro Corda, a national chamber music organisation for young people. The exhibition will feature specially commissioned photographs of Pro Corda today in its permanent home Leiston Abbey, Suffolk. A bequest in her will supports other chamber music courses whose work was also illustrated in the exhibition.

September 5 – September 16 – Modus Textiles: A Sense of Place
Modus Embroidered Textiles was formed in 1992 and currently has eight members. Each member has their own unique style and works in their individual way, using a variety of techniques and media. The group comes together bi-monthly to share and experiment with new ideas.
Members use exciting processes such as collage, heat bonding and dyeing, with techniques varying widely from traditional embroidery to exciting mixtures of medium involving photographs, layered fabrics and abstract interpretations – but always with stitch. You can be sure of vibrant colour, rich texture and great variety. This latest exhibition is entitled ‘A Sense of Place’ and reflected each artist’s interpretation of some of our favourite locations and memories.