Friends EGM Minutes

Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Friends of Riverhouse Barn, (EGM)

on 26thJune, at 8pm

at The Riverhouse Barn, Manor Road, Walton-on-Thames KT12 2PF

Apologies for Absence from the EGM:

Val Woolford, Vicky Mann, Rosie Boden, Roger Doery

Those Committee members attending:

Kellie Scott (Chair)

Celia Andrews

Linda Powell

Sue Hughes

Friends attending:

Susan Segal

Geoffrey and Mary Pink

Diana Chapman

James Vickers

Marion Cooper

Jill Witham

Pamela and Peter Scott

Jenny Collins

Jo Butler

Gillian and Louis Solway

Wendy Garland

Sasha Nash

Linda Dean

Chris and Helen Sadler

Wyndham Powell

Angela Oldman

John Bright

Janet Ripley

Margaret Froome

Ian Evans

Roger and Marilyn Huckerby

Jenny Collins

The purpose of the meeting was to consider and vote on proposed alterations to be made to the Friends’ Constitution.
The proposed alterations are to streamline the governance process and to ensure that the Friends’ objects and powers facilitate, and promote, the aims and objectives of the Riverhouse Barn.

Copies of the Constitution with the proposed alterations (in red font) were circulated and available for review and consideration at the meeting.

Kellie opened the meeting by reinforcing that the purpose of the meeting was not to consider or vote on the proposal that the Friend’s take over the operation of the café.  She further explained that there is ongoing due diligence to better understand the liabilities and responsibilities that come with operating the café and that was the catalyst for considering the scope of the Constitution. The proposed alterations to the Constitution are to bring it in line with the current aims and objectives of the Riverhouse Barn. Currently, the Constitution is limited and out of date. Kellie also reviewed the Constitutions of other arts centres before making the alterations.

The meeting then considered the proposed alterations point by point.
Many were changes of a formatting/consistency/clarificatory nature.

The more substantive changes that were discussed are as follows:

2a the current objectives were expanded to be in line with the objectives and aims of the Riverhouse Barn.

2b(8)permitting the Friends to take on permanent rather than just temporary trading activities, in furtherance of its objects.

2b(10)permitting the Friends to employ and remunerate staff, subject to agreement by the Association, in furtherance of its objects.

8a  one twentieth of the total membership was replaced by ten members of the Association

9e All cheques must be signed by the Treasurer and one other committee member was inserted instead of at least two members of the Committee.

13. In respect of postal notice periods, 10 days was deleted and 7 days inserted.

The motion to accept the alterations was proposed by Celia Andrews and seconded by Pamela Scott.

The motion was passed unanimously.

Kellie Scott was thanked for all her hard work and time spent on revising the Constitution.

The meeting closed at 8.34pm


Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre is run by Riverhouse Barn Ltd, a limited company wholly owned by Walton-On-Thames Community Arts Trust  (Charity number 292178)